##################################################### ########Recommended Settings for All Servers######### ##################################################### #Server necessary# GLOBAL_ID 1 #This allows you to login @forums !Needed for server operation! TALK_TO_MASTER 1 #Shows the server on the Master List !Needed for server operation! DEDICATED_IDLE 1.3 #Reboots server after 1.3hrs. !Do not touch; can hurt VPS! CONSOLE_DECORATE_ID 1 #Output ID's in serverlogs so the server can analize who is talking for highlighting and chatlog generation CONSOLE_DECORATE_IP 0 #Do not show ip's in all_console_logs as it causes problems in the algorithm CONSOLE_DECORATE_TIMESTAMP 0 #Do not show timestamps in all_console_logs as it causes problems in the algorithm SVG_CYCLE_WALLS_GLOW 0 #Do not glow the cycle walls in Remote live view, it will break browser map rendering !Needed for Remote! SVG_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND 1 #Do not use a solid background color SVG_OUTPUT_TIMING -1 #SVG is enabled when loading Remote but Google Chrome cannot handle "onbeforeunload" correctly so this is needed LAG_O_METER 0 #Turns off server-side lag_o_meter MAX_CLIENTS_SAME_IP_SOFT 4 #Allows for up to 4 players from the same ip to connect, if there are 4 but MAX_CLIENTS are overflowing, it kicks them ALLOW_ENEMIES_SAME_IP 1 #Allows for players of same IP to fight for points. Potential for players to cheat, but more likely, brothers playing with each other. ALLOW_ENEMIES_SAME_CLIENT 1 #Same as above but for split screen. IDLE_REMOVE_TIME 180 #Spectate people who are inactive for 180 seconds (3 mins) IDLE_KICK_TIME 600 #Kick inactive people after 600 seconds to reduce lag (10 mins) #The following lets you edit the text-output in the control panel !Needed for customizing language! LANGUAGE_FIRST Custom LANGUAGE_SECOND American English #Voting# VOTING_PRIVACY -2 #Setting to -2 shows "Poll submitted by " and " voted for poll" VOTING_MATURITY 10 #Mostly removes "You must be old to start a poll" ACCESS_LEVEL_OP_MAX 0 #Allows for players to be op'd to Owner if so chose PREFIX_SPAM_ENABLE 0 #Removes the prefix spam checker, which doesn't work well and opens up instachats SPAM_PROTECTION 0 #Minimum average time between chat messages in seconds so they are not considered spamming SPAM_MAXLEN 3000 #The maximum number of characters that can be sent at once, opens up long instachats #Scripting# #These settings allow for running of server-side scripts !Needed for your scripting functionality to work! WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT 1 WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT 3 LADDERLOG_WRITE_NEXT_ROUND 1 LADDERLOG_WRITE_ALL 1 LADDERLOG_GAME_TIME_INTERVAL 1 LADDERLOG_WRITE_SVG_CREATED 0 #This will spam ladderlog so keep it disabled #General# SP_MIN_PLAYERS 1 #Allows for you to set how many (SP_)NUM_AIS MIN_PLAYERS 1 #Same as above but for multiplayer NUM_AIS 0 #No AIs in multiplayer CYCLE_INVULNERABLE_TIME 2 #When respawning, default should be to enable small invulnerable time CYCLE_WALL_TIME 2 #When respawning, delay wall creation by same number as invulerable time AI_IQ 100 #Smarter AIs are more fun SP_AI_IQ 100 #Smarter AIs are more fun SP_NUM_AIS 1 #Only one, smart bot in single player mode WIN_ZONE_DEATHS 0 #Spawn deathzones instead of winzone when WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME has elapsed WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME 1e+06 #Default is to turn off auto winzones and deathzones. To re-enable, set it to 60 ZOMBIE_ZONE_SPEED 20 #Zombie Zones are more useful with speed, default was 12 SCORE_DIE 0 #Removes the "Lost points because they caused a general protection fault", default was -2 SCORE_SUICIDE 0 #Not penalized for suicides, unlike the arma default: lose 4 points for suiciding SCORE_KILL 1 #1 point for kills instead of the arma default 4 SP_SCORE_WIN 0 #Remove stupid 10 point gain by winning a single player battle SCORE_WIN 0 #Same as above but for multiplayer BASE_RESPAWN_REMIND_TIME 45 #Reminder to respawn teammates in a CTF battle, default is no reminder (-1) CONDENSE_CONQUEST_OUTPUT 1 #Combine messages when multiple people capture a sumo base SERVER_OPTIONS Not documented\n 0xffff70Hosted by Rx Hosting #Access levels# ACCESS_LEVEL_LIST_ADMINS 15 #Allows for logged-in players to use '/admins' ACCESS_LEVEL_SHUFFLE_UP 15 #Allows logged-in players to use '/shuffle' ACCESS_LEVEL DELAY_COMMAND 1 #Unlocks the delay_command feature ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_COMMAND 2 #Allows logged-in users to use '/vote command ' ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_COMMAND_EXECUTE 2 #Makes it so that '/vote command' runs at a moderator level ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_INCLUDE 20 #Allows users to use '/vote include .cfg' to include a .cfg file but only will include files in a folder named 'vote' ACCESS_LEVEL_VOTE_INCLUDE_EXECUTE 20 #Same as above ACCESS_LEVEL CYCLE_SOUND_SPEED 0 #Only owner can change this value since setting it to 0 will crash sound enabled clients ACCESS_LEVEL DEDICATED_IDLE -2 #Locks players from using DEDICATED_IDLE in game, which can hurt VPS. ACCESS_LEVEL SLAP 7 #Slapping should be allowed for team leaders, for wars and tournies USER_LEVEL dukevin@forums -2 #Allows me to login as Hoster to make emergency changes if needed. As Hoster, I will not perform any actions such as kicking, only to the manage server. If uncomfortable with this, feel free to remove by adding 'USER_LEVEL dukevin@forums 15' #Custom Server Camera ..just for fun# CAMERA_FORBID_SERVER_CUSTOM 0 #Default is to disable server custom camera, these enable it with a pretty cool one CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK 2.3 #You try the new camera by pressing "c" or whatever your camera button is CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_PITCH 0 #To turn it off, put CAMERA_FORBID_SERVER_CUSTOM 1 in your cfg files CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE 1 cycle_accel 4 cycle_accel_enemy 1 cycle_accel_offset 2 cycle_accel_rim 0 cycle_accel_self 1 cycle_accel_slingshot 1 cycle_accel_tunnel 1 cycle_boostfactor_enemy 1 cycle_brake_refill 0.1 cycle_brake 3 cycle_brake_deplete -1 cycle_delay 0.03 cycle_rubber 8 cycle_rubber_delay 0 cycle_rubber_speed 40 cycle_rubber_time 1 cycle_rubber_wall_shrink 1 cycle_speed 17 cycle_speed_max 0 cycle_speed_min 0.25 cycle_start_speed 20 cycle_turn_speed_factor 0.95 cycle_wall_near 5 prefix_spam_enable 0 max_clients 16 score_die 0 score_kill 1 score_size 0.13 score_suicide 0 score_survive 0 score_win 0 teams_max 16 teams_min 0 walls_length 500 walls_stay_up_delay 1 game_type 1 auto_team 1 new_teams_allowed 0 num_ais 0 sp_num_ais 1 team_max_players 1 sp_teams_max 16 sp_team_min_players 1 size_factor -3 explosion_radius 0 default_kick_reason Learn the rules of loose dogfight and maybe next time you won't be voted off the island... sp_walls_length 500 casacl 8 0 team_name_1 Visitor team_name_2 Rx team_name_3 Rx team_name_4 Rx team_red_1 8 team_green_1 8 team_blue_1 8 team_red_2 22 team_green_2 0 team_blue_2 0 team_red_3 22 team_green_3 0 team_blue_3 0 team_red_3 22 team_green_3 0 team_blue_3 0 team_red_4 22 team_green_4 0 team_blue_4 0 score_suicide 0 teams_max 2 teams_min 2 team_max_players 20 team_min_players 1 team_balance_with_ais 0 team_max_imbalance 20 allow_team_name_player 0 allow_team_name_color 0 spawn_wingmen_back 0 limit_time 100000 limit_rounds 100000 team_max_players 3 user_level IsO@forums 7 user_level Apple|Fujitsu@forums 7 user_level iNoob@insomniaclan.com 0 user_level iNoob@forums 0 user_level eezeez@forums 7 user_level dorit0z@forums 7 user_level Moofie@forums 7 user_level pdbq@insomniaclan.com 0 user_level nanu@aagid 7 user_level Magi@forums 7 user_level Revolut1on@forums 7 user_level Flow@forums 7 user_level Crypt@forums 7 user_level Torn@forums 7 user_level proxy@forums 6 user_level aussie@forums 7 user_level Rookie@aagid 6 user_level asdfasdf@forums 7 user_level Gazelle@forums 7 user_level Jester@forums 7 user_level PowerX@forums 7 user_level InK@forums 6 user_level Light@forums 0 user_level Synthesis@x 6 user_level Internal@insomniaclan.com 6 user_level PandaJams@insomniaclan.com 6